actions to structuring a technology paper editors will require really

An experienced editor gives advice to have your projects posted within an journal that is international

By Angel Borja, PhD Posted on 24 June 2014 Updated on 10 July 2019

Editor’s note: This 2014 post conveys the advice of a researcher sharing their experience and will not express Elsevier’s policy. Nonetheless, as a result to your feedback, we worked so it reflects our practices with him to update this post. For instance, because it was posted, we now have worked extensively with researchers to increase exposure of non-English language research. – July 10, 2019

Improvement: in reaction to your feedback, we now have reinstated the first text in order to observe how it had been revised. – July 11, 2019

How exactly to make a manuscript for international journals — Part 2

In this month-to-month show, Dr. Angel Borja draws on their substantial history as a author, reviewer and editor to offer suggestions about planning the manuscript (author’s view), the assessment procedure (reviewer’s view) and just what there clearly was to hate or love in a paper (editor’s view).

This informative article is the second within the show. The article that is first: “Six activities to do before writing your manuscript.”divider

The Writer

Dr. Angel Borja is Head of Projects at AZTI-Tecnalia, research center into the Basque nation in Spain focusing on marine research and meals technologies. Previously he had been also Head regarding the Department of Oceanography and Head for the Marine Management region. Their primary subject of research is marine ecology, and it has posted a lot more than 270 efforts, from where 150 come in over 40 peer-reviewed journals, through their long job of 32 several years of research. During this period he has got examined in numerous topics and ecosystem elements, having an sufficient and view that is multidisciplinary of research.

Find out more about their work on ResearchGate, ORCID and LinkedIn, and follow him on Twitter (@AngelBorjaYerro).

You checklist when you organize your manuscript, the first thing to consider is that the order of sections will be very different than the order of items on.

A write-up starts utilizing the Title, Abstract and keyword phrases.

The article text follows the IMRAD format, which responds to your concerns below:

  • Introduction: What did you/others do? Why did you will do it?
  • Practices: just exactly just How did it is done by you?
  • Outcomes: just just What do you will find?
  • And
  • Discussion: So what does it all mean?

The text that is main accompanied by the final outcome, Acknowledgements, References and Supporting Materials.

While this could be the posted framework, but, we frequently work with a order that is different writing.

Procedures to organizing your manuscript

  1. Prepare the figures and tables.
  2. Write the strategy.
  3. Article the outcome.
  4. Write the Discussion. Finalize the outcomes and Discussion before composing the introduction. Simply because, in the event that conversation is insufficient, how can you objectively indicate the significance that is scientific of work with the introduction?
  5. Write a conclusion that is clear.
  6. Compose an introduction that is compelling.
  7. Write the Abstract.
  8. Write a concise and descriptive Title.
  9. Choose Keywords for indexing.
  10. Write the Acknowledgements.
  11. Jot down the Sources.

Then, I’ll review each step of the process in detail. But before you attempt to compose a paper, there are 2 essential things you ought to accomplish that will set the groundwork for the whole procedure.

  • The subject become examined ought to be the very first problem to be fixed. Determine your hypothesis and goals (These goes in the Introduction.)
  • Review the literary works linked to the subject and choose some documents (about 30) that may be cited in your paper (These will likely be listed in the sources.)

Finally, take into account that each publisher features its own design directions and choices, therefore constantly consult the publisher’s Guide for Authors.divider

Step one: Prepare the numbers and tables

Understand that “a figure may be worth a thousand terms.” Thus, pictures, including numbers and tables, would be the many way that is efficient provide your outcomes. Your computer data would be the driving force of this paper, which means that your pictures are critical!

How will you determine between presenting your computer data as tables or figures? Generally, tables supply the real results that are experimental while numbers tend to be useful for evaluations of experimental outcomes with those of past works, or with calculated/theoretical values (Figure 1).

Whatever your preference is, no illustrations should replicate the information described somewhere else into the manuscript.

Another essential aspect: figure and dining table legends needs to be self-explanatory (Figure 2).

Whenever presenting your tables and numbers, appearances count! To the end:

  • Avoid crowded plots (Figure 3), only using 3 or 4 information sets per figure; use scales that are well-selected.
  • Think about appropriate axis label size
  • Add clear symbols and information sets which can be an easy task to differentiate.
  • Never ever consist of long bland tables ( e.g., chemical compositions of emulsion systems or listings of types and abundances). They can be included by you as additional psychology research topics for college students product.

Each must have a scale marker, or scale bar, of professional quality in one corner if you are using photographs.

In photographs and numbers, utilize color only once necessary whenever publishing to a printing publication. If various line designs can explain this is, never utilize colors or other effects that are thrilling you’ll be faced with costly costs. Needless to say, this will not use to online journals. For most journals, it is possible to submit duplicate numbers: one out of color for the online form of the log and pdfs, and another in black colored and white for the hardcopy journal (Figure 4).

Another universal problem is the abuse of lines and histograms. Lines joining information just can be utilized when presenting time series or consecutive examples information ( ag e.g., in a transect from coast to offshore in Figure 5). But, if you find no connection between examples or there is not a gradient, you have to utilize histograms (Figure 5).

Often, fonts are way too little for the log. You have to simply simply simply take this into consideration, or they may be illegible to visitors (Figure 6).

Finally, you need to focus on the employment of decimals, lines, etc. (Figure 7)

Action 2: Compose the strategy

This section reacts into the concern of the way the issue ended up being examined. If the paper is proposing a method that is new you will need to add detailed information so a qualified audience can replicate the test.

But, try not to duplicate the important points of founded techniques; usage recommendations and materials that are supporting suggest the formerly posted procedures. Broad summaries or references that are key adequate.