It’s A Small World In The End. Have actually you ever wondered if the email you addressed to Rice but delivered to USC traveled between the two schools? Did your school that is high counselor used to sit next to your admission counselor at your ideal school? Are they really still buddies? Exactly How did the YouTube video clip you created for the senior high school open home make it to your admission counselor who is interviewing you? Do counselors who work on rival schools spend time!?

Higher education is a tiny world. This picture, from left to right, is Joel Hart (Pomona College), Meredith Britt ( brand New Jewish Community High School) and I during the 2013 WACAC Conference. Joel, Meredith and I also all went along to Vanderbilt and even though we overlapped here, both as pupils and within the admission office, we never knew one another until we connected in the office (Meredith and we worked at USC together) and at WACAC. If you are like any of my friends, you are chuckling while you say WACAC aloud. WACAC is short for Western Association of College Admission Counselors and is a local element for the National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC) that is the overarching organization that is professional degree experts. Every summer, the different local organizations meet for a three day conference on issues facing our profession and exactly how we can increase the work we do (while wearing name that is snazzy). Into the fall, NACAC has their conference which brings attendees from all over the globe! This might be just one of these of this expert development and ongoing training we accept as brand new dilemmas in university and admission counseling emerge and styles change.

Admission counselors also make connections by befriending other admission counselors into the geographic territories where we recruit. We bump into each other at university fairs, highschool visits if not restaurants year after year as we all travel comparable circuits. We exchange stories from the trail but in addition have actually significant conversations regarding how to enhance the quality of our work, handle our workload better and yes, talk about students. I became as soon as speaking about an essay that had offended me having a colleague from another institution and he immediately remembered reading ab muscles same essay. Since we’ve recruited in the same area of Texas for four years, i’ve also founded relationships with the school that is high at the schools I see. We’ll touch base about specific pupils, both the good plus the bad, basic trends we’ve noticed and simply random things that pop up. When I return to a school that is high of my favorite things is ask a counselor how their students at USC are doing!

Networking, chatting every single other, learning from peers, and relationships that are building part of exactly just what helps move our profession ahead. We all want the same thing: to help students get to and succeed in college although we work for different institutions and in different capacities. Building trusting relationships with high school counselors makes it easier to fairly share information and have now truthful conversations through the entire admission cycle. Those same relationships with our peers make planning travel period a bit easier, reading thousands of files more bearable and smiling until your cheeks hurt during springtime events never as tiring because you have others it is possible to keep in touch with about this all. We possibly may all do things a bit that is little, but we are undoubtedly all into the company of greater training together.

Relax, It’s Summertime!

6:00am alarm. Shower. Eat breakfast. Pack lunch. Race out the door to catch the Expo line. Get to USC. Answer to emails. Review applications. Offer a presentation. Meet with Admission Committee. Browse more files. Pay attention to voicemails. Reply to more e-mails. Catch the train house. Mind on a run. Shower. Crash in my sleep.

Students have a comparable hectic schedule throughout the academic year. But replace review applications with attend class. And you are exercising a hobby or prepping a debate rather of attending an Admission Committee conference. I realize that the school is busy, which is why it is important to take some time to relax year.

As admission professionals, it is our job to assess and assess achievement and success, but we additionally understand the significance of pausing, slowing a little, and recognizing the things within our life which make us happy. We know you work faithfully in college, so time that is find summer time to unwind, relax, and obtain a breath (or 100) of fresh air. You should use this downtime to participate in tasks that want extra time because summer is whenever you’ll have more free time.

Stress is really what motivates us to accomplish well study hard, practice that solo, invest extra hours on the industry, nonetheless it can usually wear us out. Summer is a time that is perfect relieve that with a decent book, a walk across a nearby, or hanging with a few family members or friends that you do not see often. Are there things in your daily life you wish you had more time to do ? Do it! Learn how to sew or cook, visit that national park in your bucket list, improve your golf game, produce a slip ‘n slide. No better time than now!

My favorite time of the year is summer. I use my barbeque more often, devote some time to look at the sunset into the evening, bicycle to your beach with friends ( see the photo!), and travel to enjoyable locations. Be sure you will find time on your own this summer. You will end up happy you did!

Starting in 5,6,7,8…

Things are shaking and moving at USC. No, i am not discussing me personally paying attention to Britney Spears. USC’s Glorya Kaufman School of Dance is gearing up for a dazzling launch. It’s initial school that is new be opened at USC in 40 years! I’d the pleasure of talking with Anne Aubert-Santelli during the Kaufman School of Dance and she provided me with the low down in what’s going in at the dance school that is newest on the block.

Starting in the autumn of 2015, the first group of dancers will likely be enrolled into the Kaufman School. These Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance students will likely be an area of the movement that is new of and education. Students are enrolled in courses that will maybe not merely enable them to dance as much as 5 hours per day nonetheless they will also be learning critical concept across the art form. Anne explains how this college will enable ‘dancers to be viewed and heard’ through various possibilities expressing themselves through party as well as have significant interactions that are academic. Dancers will likely be able to just simply take master classes with notable instructors also as courses on the best way to dance for digital camera and film and just how to market themselves in the chronilogical age of social networking. That means you will be doing pirouettes with that choreographer that you’ve always admired and understanding how your presence that is online will you #booked!

In April, USC’s school that is newest broke ground on the internet site where the brand new building will sit. Until that building is ready in Fall 2015, the current staff has some short-term digs on campus where they make all the magic happen. That includes plans for the learning that is actual, creating coursework, creating partnerships in the dance/entertainment globe, the list goes on. I am hoping they can fit in certain time and energy to focus on their techniques. It takes a complete lot of work behind scenes to understand this school from the ground. It’s no different than the chaotic moments backstage all resulting in a grand performance that shows the beauty of working together.